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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  November 10, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PST

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conversation on twitter. give us a like on facebook, we're on there every day responding to questions. check out the home page. e-mail us, back next sunday morning 11:00 eastern with the latest buzz. positively no deal. putting the brakes on iran's nuclear program over concerns they are trying to build an atomic weapon. there have been three days of marathon talks. they ended early this morning without an agreement despite the involvement of secretary of state john kerry and top dith diplomats from six other countries. the sticking points go to some of the most crucial issues including getting iran to suspend its enrichment of uranium and status of a plutonium reactor which could give iran another route to making a nuclear weapon.
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hello, everyone. welcome to america's news headquarters. >> iran as you know has also defied united nations security council for seven years ignoring the security council's demand to stop enriching uranium. despite that and geneva meeting setback, secretary of state said the talks did narrow some gaps. >> we came to geneva to narrow the differences. and i can tell you without any exaggeration we not only narrowed differences and clarified those that remain, but we made significant progress in working through the approaches to this question of how one reins in a program and guarantees its peaceful nature. >> iran's nuclear program continues israel warning the world against a bad deal with
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tehran. live in jerusalem with reaction there. hello, conner. >> reporter: hello, eric. after several days criticizing the rumored deal between iran and the west, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his cabinet during a meeting it was a good deal the deal fell through. he also said in his opinion there's a strong desire on the part of the u.s. and other european countries to strike some type of agreement with tehran. he promised he would do everything he could to prevent a bad agreement. israeli leaders insist before any economic sanctions are lifted and taken off the table that islamic -- the islamic republic's ability to enrich uranium must be removed, must be stopped. supporters of the deal that fell apart this weekend say this would not have been a final agreement. it would have been a stepping stone designed to lead to a more comprehensive deal with the goal of dismantling iran's nuclear program. president obama and netanyahu
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did speak on friday and secretary of state john kerry is talking with israeli leaders. here in jerusalem there's very little trust and support in washington. there's a real fear that the agreement would simply not stop iran's nuclear program. now, israel continues to hint that if the agreement is reached that they are not satisfied with that they would take military action against iran. but eric, here in jerusalem and really across the region, there are doubts whether or not israel could strike iran and end its nuclear program by itself without u.s. support. it's really doubted but still israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and other leaders in israel insist they would take military action without the u.s. if a bad agreement is reached. eric. >> conner, despite the talks will resume in 10 days. certainly we'll see how israel and others feel about that. live in jerusalem, thank you. the breakdown of talks shows how hard it can be to forge a
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deal on iran's nuclear program despite the appearances an agreement was close at hand. the negotiations are now taking a time-out at least in geneva. they are set to resume in 10 days. secretary of state counterpart in great britain william hague says the time is now to get this done. >> there's now a real concentration on the negotiations so we have to do everything we can to seize the moment and the opportunity to reach a deal that has eluded the world. the world has been unable to reach for a very long time. >> he says that a deal is on the table and it could actually happen. is that deal in sight, will it be impossible to close the gaps? former u.s. ambassador to the united nations, senator fellow at the american enterprise institute joins me now. ambassador bolton, good to see you. >> good morning. >> if the starting point for iran is still they are only enriching uranium for lawful
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purposes, how close to a deal could we be? >> not very close. look, this was a humiliation for the obama administration and for all of the europeans as well with the sole exception of france which stood in the door and blocked this deal. the administration says it's only an interim proposal and we should judge it not by whether it solves issues but buys time for negotiation. that's the central flaw of the negotiating strategy. this plays directly into iran's hands, gives them a chance to make superficial concessions but get important conessentials from the west on sanctions. iranians operating with profound in sight. until now they have been increasing. they want to pass over and get sanctions decreasing, even a small amount. they know that for the obama administration or europeans it would be very hard to torque those sanctions back up again.
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for me the specifics of the deal here or proposed deal that didn't happen are less important than the fundamental mistake of the administration's negotiation strategy. >> the u.n. nuclear agency chief goes to tehran and will have meetings and maybe a little bit of inspection. we'll see what they can actually see. it reminds me of syria where they said we'll turn over all the chemical weapons. all of a sudden, whoops, there were a few we forgot to tell you about. how can we trust iran? >> we can't at all. these negotiations didn't spring up overnight like some new idea, hey, why don't we negotiate and give iran a chance. the europeans have been negotiating with iran for 10 years. for 20 years iranians have been lying about what their nuclear program involved, concealing information from the iaea inspectors. they have covered up, deceived, done just about everything to prevent the iaea from finding
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out what's really going on. the notion now secretary kerry said in his remarks after the talks broke down that takes time to build confidence, it certainly takes time to build confidence with a regime that's been lying. secretary kerry said that the administration was neither blind nor stupid in the approach for the talks. a pretty low bar and one i'm not sure they met. >> that's interesting. i believe yesterday it was there were reports that iran may be as close as 100 pounds of enriched uranium or less than two months away from making a nuclear weapon, though the warhead could actually take a little longer. is that the closest they have been, ambassador, and can you confirm that to be the case? >> i think they have been very close for a long time. the administration is fixated on the uranium that's been enriched to 20% of the u 2 35 isotope, the amount used for tiny
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research reactor iran has in tehran. in terms of weapons grade enrichment, the difference between 20% enriched or conventional reactor grade, 3 to 5%, is a matter of weeks. the fact is iran has been engaged not only in replization activities but ballistic missile testing for years. every day that goes by they are getting closer. the interim deal would simply buy them more time to continue the work they have been doing. >> there is leverage they would like those sanctions reduced. they have been hit by those? >> they have been hurt economically. i don't think there's any question about that. there's simply no evidence that the sanctions have actually affected the nuclear weapons program. >> interesting. >> the director of national intelligence, the obama administration's director james clapper testified to that effect earlier this year. the director general of international atomic energy agency in his reports has essentially said the same thing. the sanctions are hurting the iranian middle class.
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just so viewers understand is the part of the iranian population most opposed to the regime of the ayatollah. so the accuracy of the sanctions is something you can question. we're hurting the people who actually share our view that this regime needs to go. >> iran's new president said that not allowing iran to enrich uranium as it is is a red line not to be crossed. aren't we right where we were with mahmoud ahmadinejad? >> they are advancing their program and they know it. if they can get a small reduction in the sanctions, they put the administration in a very, very difficult position. remember, u.s. law requires countries be steadily reducing their imports of iranian oil or u.s. sanctions then apply to them. a number of countries have been
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indicating they have gone down as far as they are going to go. so the obama administration is in a very bad place. it either has to consider sanctioning countries like china, india or turkey or giving them a waiver in the face of iranian intransigence which would cause a firestorm in washington. that's why he broke off his trip. iranians are desperate for a deal and they know that and that could be bad for us. >> could be bad for the other countries if sanctions had to be placed. thank you for joining us. eric. >> you know it's been a tough week at home for obama care. with all the technical problems continuing to plague the enrollment website as it continues to be shut down nightly for repairs. the president apologized to americans as health insurance pom sis were canceled because of the new law. today democrats and republicans are sounding off about obama care's shaky rollout. the latest from our washington
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bureau on that. hello, peter. >> hi, eric. this week we're going to learn how many people enrolled in new health plans on the federal marketplace during month one. the administration said by the end of month two they think will be working together for almost everyone. the former defense secretary leon panetta said today he's not sure that's possible. he's got some advice for his former boss, president obama. >> they really ought to try to make sure they will fix this system by the end of november. i hope they can. if they can't, they ought to be honest about what they are confronting. if they can fix it, they can put this back on the right track. if they can't fix it, i think the president may very well have to accept some changes. >> in congress republicans have continued to try and minimize the impact of obama care. we learned this weekend what's next. >> next week the house will take up the keep your health care
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act, which will ensure plans available today in the individual market can continue to exist. no one should have to go to their inbox or mailbox in fear of finding out they are losing a plan they like, or worse, a plan they need. >> looking ahead to the next election cycle, the top political officials at the rnc and dnc have very different ideas about what obama care will end up meaning at ballot boxes. >> democratic candidates will be able to run on obama care as an advantage leading into the 2014 election. >> this issue is going to be toxic for the democrats. believe me, we will tattoo it to their foreheads in 2014. we will run on it and they will lose because of it. >> this morning new jersey governor chris christie said if president obama doesn't realize the severity of problems with obama care, then he thinks he's living out of a fantasy. eric. >> in five minutes we'll be looking at the effect of obama
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care ongoing small businesses. more on that. >> super typhoon battering philippines, hundreds dead, could be a lot more. death tolls rising since the storm hit friday. rescue crews are estimating thousands could be dead as they make their way to remote areas. the typhoon expected to make landfall in vietnam later today. pope francis asked for prayers for the victims including thousands who are left homeless. the pontiff making that plea for help in front of a crowd of thousands at the vatican and also on his twitter account. meanwhile the u.s. marine corps celebrating their 238th birthday today. happy birthday. our marines served in every major american conflict since 1775. crowds gathering at the iwojima memorial yesterday, defense secretary chuck hagel marked the event by laying a wreath. today the u.s. marine corps has 200,000 active duty members.
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lets not forget our families. we thank all of you, past and present, for your dedicated service. >>utely. this veterans day weekend also offers a very meaningful opportunity for folks to pay tribute to those who have served. you're looking at the uss new york, docked off midtown manhattan and open for public tours. the warship carries a sacred and special significance, too. it was constructed in part from seven tons of steel that was salvaged from the rubble of the world trade center after the 9/11 attacks. brian streaming live from the pier where uss new york is docked. hi, brian. >> reporter: hi, eric. you're looking at pier 88 right next to "intrepid" aircraft carrier museum, amphibious assault ship. it's been here since friday offering sailors and crew and marines a chance to enjoy veterans day festivities here in new york city including america's parade which is on monday, the largest veteran's
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parade in the city. commissioned in 2009, "uss new york" is unlike any other vessel in the world. that's because it's made out of 7.5 tons of steel from the wreckage of the world trade center. the steel is located at the bow stern of the ship. if you talk to marines and talk to the sailors, they have no greater pride or sense of responsibility than being led into battle, being led into battle on board a ship that has what's made of that steel. marines on board will tell you also the motto is forged through sacrifice. never forget. >> the whole motto, never forget reconnects not just with sailors who have been on the ship for a while but a lot of new sailors reported on the ship over the last year to -- they are ecstatic to be here and help new
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york celebrate. >> the motto is especially poignant this veterans day weekend. talk to veterans visiting here. they offer public tours. we watch them meet with sailors and marines on the ship trading war stories, talking about each other's sacrifices. >> it's an honor. it really is an honor. you don't hear much of that anymore like you used to, like in world war ii and all, but it's an honor. you go to your grave with it. a veteran who salutes the flag, works under the flag and when he dies he's buried with the flag. one day i'll be buried with the flag as well. >> i think i speak for all of us when i say thank you, richard, and thank you to all those servicemen and women for your sacrifice. eric. >> thank you all and god bless. thank you so much. every day of the year. meanwhile president obama apologizes for all the troubles
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with obama care and signing up. he's "prom" promising to take steps to make things right. will that be enough to reassure americans who lost their health coverage because of the new law? >> plus fox's investigation into what happened to jimmy hoffa. in 2004 went to this house, took up the floor and found blood where a suspect says he shot jimmy hoffa in the back of the head. a new book about a mob boss backs up that claim. we'll have the latest coming up on this sunday. how mu protein does your dog food have? 18 percent? 20? new purina one true instinct has 30. active dogs crave nutrient-dense food. so we made purina one true instinct. learmore at hands for holding. feet, kicking. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra,
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now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start taking xeljanz if you have any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests, including certain liver tests, before you start and while you are taking xeljanz. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you.
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even without methotrexate. have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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obama care. the president apologizing to people who lost their insurance due to obama care saying he's sorry some people found themselves in that situation based on assurances they in part received from him. one of those americans, who was a small business owner expressed his concern about the impact of obama care on employers. >> it is scary, but it's only scary because he made it that way by changing the rules in the middle of the game. we were told countless times we could keep our insurance, but that's not true. this president force add piece of legislation not ready for
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prime time, pushed it through congress, now pushed it on the american people. the real victims are people like stephen and myself. >> that stephen he referred to is another small business owner who also claims he lost his assurances. will promises by the president resonate with the american people and what is left? joining us columnist from the national review magazine. john, always good to see you. >> thank you. >> we've heard about policies that have been dropped. administration says people have get better policies. meanwhile they are scrambling. that's going to happen to businesses? >> mackenzie & company did a survey of employers and they predicted one-third of employers will probably or definitely drop their employer-based coverage after 2014, unquote. now, 156 million americans get their health insurance through employers. that could mean over 50 million people with radical readjustments to their health plans. of course some will get better
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plans, but an awful lot of people won't get better plans. >> was this supposed to happen? >> well, there's one thing the president should have apologized for that he didn't apologize for. i think this is part of his overall plan. this is from the service employees international union health care forum in 2007. he was run for president. quote, i don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. there's going to be potentially some transition process. i can envision a decade out or 15 years out or 20 years out. in other words, obama care wants to get rid of employer coverage because ultimately he wants everyone to go to the government exchanges. ultimately i think he does want single payer national health care scheme. >> is the purpose to get better health care or another reason? >> i think the president is ideological committed to the government running things. we have government motors. we had enormous subsidiaries in the alternative energy industry that went bust. lots of scandals there with the
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president involved. the president likes government running things. unfortunately government is one-sixth of our economy and i think it's way too big for the government to chew off. >> someone said they needed governor motors. >> general motors. >> general motors they were going temperature toilet. >> we lost a lot of money as taxpayers in that. >> about how much? >> $26 billion at least. >> $26 billion. this comes as aetna ceo said he thinks insurance premiums are going to go up 20 to 50%. what happens next year, not until 2014, december 31st, the deadline for the businesses to sign up with obama care? >> a lot of businesses will drop coverage and pay the fine. there's a fine for individuals if they don't get coverage. there's a fine for businesses if they don't get coverage. they will be dumped into the exchanges. what the president didn't envision is the exchanges aren't working, not at the state level
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and certainly not at the federal level. there's a real disconnect. again, the other problem is what kind of insurance they will get on the exchanges. the dirty little secret of obama care, over 40% of people getting new health care insurance will be dumped into medicaid instead. that's not insurance. that's a substandard health care plan i wouldn't take my dog to. 50% of drgs won't take new medicaid patients. there's studies that show if there's no insurance, people on medicaid, people with insurance have better outcomes than people on medicaid. >> up until now people say they have gone online, gotten information. >> medicaid works for some people but it's not the kind of people they thought they were getting. it's substandard insurance. lots of specialists aren't included. networks are very tight because most doctors won't accept medicaid patients. it's bait and switch, the president threw out the bait, you'll get health coverage but
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it isn't what people expect. >> finally there's a house bill to let people keep their insurance plans. what wr do we go from here? what happens next and can they fix this? >> the president is idea logically committed because it has his name on it, obama care. democratic senators who met with him last night and then he issued the apology get more and more mixed up. next year democrats in congress worried about election process that force the change in obama care. it will not come from the president himself because he's got too much invested personally. >> a change in obama care predicted here. john, we'll keep that tape and see what happens next year. >> i'll stand by it. >> thanks so much. of course, for more on obama care, the marketplaces and a lot more chris wallace on "fox news sunday" has in-depth interviews on the subject. he also talks to new jersey governor chris christie. the new jersey governor's advice for washington, d.c. will he end up there one day?
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"fox news sunday" airing on the increases news channel 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. later today. a lot of speculation in the newly elected governor. >> definitely christie is going to tell us about that we're celebrating our veterans and veterans celebrating two big celebrations tomorrow around our country. we're going to let you know how to honor service members past and present all across the country who help keep us safe here at home every single day. [ male announcer ] this is brad. his day of coaching begins with knee pain, when... [ man ] hey, brad, want to trade the all-day relief of two aleve for six tylenol? what's the catch? there's no catch. you want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol? no. for my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup.
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our colors are red, white, and blue for a reason. we're patriots. we never forget our veterans. tomorrow in particular we should remember and honor them. all of those who so proudly wore the uniform and risked their lives for our freedom. some events taking place, a
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moving tribute to world war ii. three of the four surviving doolittle radars making a final toast to remember comrades who took part in a daring bombing on japan. legendary mission in april 1942 now in the history books as a pivotal moment in u.s. military history. a turning point in the war help boost moral at home after the deadly attack on perfectly harbor. how can we honor our brave vets even if we don't know one. i want to introduce you to vince mcgowan president of united war veterans council. i have to thank you, vince, for your service. beyond your service to the country as a military man, you're also serving our vets. tell me about the organization you're involved in. as i look at events in new york city, two pages of all different events for two pages. >> goes back to the origins of the war of 1812 when the country
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needed to take care of the widows and orphans. then after that second american revolution, things went to a normal status again. after world war i and world war ii saw american legion, vfw and standard membership organizations build up to the strength that didn't require as much attention by the civilian population, because we were, again, taking care of our own. after vietnam, there was a tremendous lack of enthusiasm for service and for veterans. vietnam veterans, part of the 100 original organizers of our welcome home parade here in new york in may of 1985 and then the building up of vietnam veterans memorial on 55 water street. >> i was there. it's pretty spectacular. >> it was spectacular. emotional and successful. it gave us the encouragement, vietnam veterans encouragement
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to continue to go forward and help the country learn how to celebrate service. and the low point in new york city in the 80s, not only veterans day in new york city -- >> i don't want to waste another minute on you or me, i want to talk about what we can do for our vets. we have the most generous and caring audience in the world. not only those at home but those on active duty. what can we do on veterans day and replicate it throughout the year. >> fox will be carrying the parade from 12:00 to 3:00 in 10 markets, about 20 cities, from san diego to boston. >> on the fox broadcast network. >> i think if you can't get to a parade in your local area or new york area, please come to 5th avenue at the memorial -- at madison square park or anywhere
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along the parade route. >> in your town. >> or in your town. how important is it, and i talked about it yesterday, hiring vets. >> it's critical. the skill sets they are bringing into the community cannot be purchased through normal educational processes. it's the interpretation of that skill set into the civilian need where we're seeing the problem. many veterans organizations, including the department of defense, are working on how to transfer the skill sets so the hr departments understand what the qualifications of the candidates are. >> there's honor, courage, strength, and don't forget sequestration where a lot on furlough and taking retirement and needing a job. how do you fund what you do? >> we fund through generous donations from our corporate sponsors and other veterans organizations like wounded warrior, corporate sponsors such as chase, u-haul, history channel, hbo. those are our major
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contributors. but we've seen the slowdown in the contribution area that's going to affect us. so to that end we're partnering with new york city to bring vets into the recycling business here so we can put organizational skills and management skills on a citywide level to help bring -- cut down the waste stream and pick up value of recycling. >> a two-fer. do what you can and definitely say thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thanks for being here. eric. >> absolutely. thank you. it hasn't been the easiest few weeks for the president. for a lot beyond this news, here is liz's sunday commentary. >> like it or not, you have to sympathize with president obama on one point, the forces of political correctness on his case day and night keeping a close tally of the racial and
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gender makeup of each opponent. it can make pol pot look like father christmas. mr. obama is indebted to women who figured mightily into his presidential victories, so acquiescing to women is a job requirement but there is a price. appointments made at the expense has pitfalls. some examples on the gender side, hillary clinton, former secretary of state and all around powerful man's wife has yet to tell us about benghazi other than to ask what difference it makes when and how four americans were killed in libya. from her nefarious track record in arkansas until now she owns the crown for escaping scrutiny. her all but certain run for the presidency in 2016 may ploy embarrassing moments. so her fundraisers have launched a correct the record campaign. the president's longtime confidante susan rice fulfills
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both racial and gender requirements as profane undiplomatic ambassador to the u.n. she falsely blamed the benghazi attack on a video, a well publicized stumble who earned her an appointment from the president as national security adviser. valerie jart, veteran of chicago's murky politics and regarded as the gatekeeper to the oval office is a mysterious and feared president to insiders present and former. the former earned her displeasure. just recently a tweeter on the national security staff called her a vac with us sypher. he was gone within hours. of recent notoriety, kathleen sebelius, health and human services secretary who saw the disastrous rollout of the president's health care plan. she fell on her sword at a house committee hearing, apologized, and then threw under the
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proverbial bus two other women who had senior roles in devising the system. samantha power, media hungry ambassador to the u.n. reportedly caught mr. obama's attention after writing a book about genocide in rwanda, her specialty. she recently told "vogue" magazine after all these years of doing atrocity work i still cry my eyes out every time i read the paper in the morning. miss powers thinks troops should intervene anywhere in defense of humanitarian causes including libya. she never tires of talking about balancing the care of her husband and two young children and her position in world affairs. while not appointed by mr. obama, lois lerner was a devoted democratic partisan before she was forced to resign as ahead of the exempt organization division of the irs.
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lerner was caught targeting her extra scrutiny christian and conservative groups who applied for tax exemptions. rather than explain her transgressions, she took the fifth before a congressional committee. the newly appointed head of the federal reserve bank janet yellin is scheduled to appear before the senate banking committee this week. if confirmed she will be the first woman in this job. we reserve comment. on the face of it, there seems to emerge a woeful performance average by obama's women. incompetent men have always and in washington, but one gets the feeling that women can't seem to stay out of trouble. perhaps they are too new at the power game or maybe they just don't get it. the executive director of the women and public policy program at harvard told "the new york times" it's not so much about how many women but are women
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represented, are the policies helping women? thanks to harvard for making the case clear, diversity and ability are fair weather friends. jimmy hoffa, who did it and why? a new book supports the story that we broke here on fox news. coming up we'll talk to the author of that book about a big mob boss and jimmy hoffa's fate. road closed? there's a guy...
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shot hoffa twice in the back of the head in detroit. the story was outlined in his biography. we went to the house, pulled up the floor tiles and found, as you can see, the evidence. blood patterns on the floor that fit the story exactly. there was blood evidence where he said hoffa's head would have hit the store, seven drops down the hallway where he said his body was dragged out to be cremated. they did test 50 blood samples but could not get a dna match exactly to hoffa. a new book with more about this. "the quiet don." about the mafia kingpin.
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welcome and congratulations on the new book. >> thank you. >> first of all, who was he and why do you think he was involved in the disappearance. >> russell was arguably one of the most important mob sisters in the history of the country. only a few people knew about him because he was from kingston, pennsylvania. he a strangle hold over the garment industry. he organized appalachian meeting which introduced organized crime to the nation. he was extremely influential with the teamsters union and had become friendly with jimmy hoffa in the 1940s. so friendly he placed his cousin william, who was an attorney with hoffa and william became the counsel for teamsters union. i began looking at him in 2008 in a corruption probe involving governor ed rendell. two people indicted.
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one received a gaming license and his catholic priest. both were indicted for lying about their past ties to him. >> go to the house, take up the floor, with the luminol, retired michigan state police we hired to do this. why was he was involved and do you think frankie sherman killed him in this house? >> in covering this gaming, corruption probe, i developed sources within remnants of the buffalino story. they said the story was accurate. some issues with the entire story, why he thought he was being killed. >> because he wanted back into the teamsters. >> correct. he spent four years trying to regain presidency of the teamsters union. so there was a lot of pressure in place to get him killed. but he kept him alive, that's how powerful he was.
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un1975 when identified by "time" magazine as part of the cia monrovia parts. senate at the time had been investigating him, a subcommittee, church committee investigating cia's ties to recruiting gangsters. now that he was outdoor. he was quiet and reserved. now that his nim was in public he would put in mowing the plan that would in two weeks kill other members of the plot. sam giancana, jimmy hoffa, and him. >> why didn't this come out. >> there was very little information on him, because he was from pennsylvania. he spent half his time in new york. but few people paid much attention to him.
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sharon made the statement. i was told it was accurate. >> investigating this, "the quiet don" has more. >> thanks. >> by the way he died in 1994 and sharon died in 2003. this story will be continued. we'll be right back. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? i need a newn't investment pn. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio.
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well, we're not recommending that you duck quite yet, but a satellite is heading for us, and it will be crashing down in pieces. where is it going to land? we need to know. dominic dinotali, tell us from our l.a. bureau. >> hopefully, it won't hit any humans. the european space agency, which originally launched the explorer back in 2009 thinks any fragments that don't burn up upon re-entry will avoid land masses and dive into the ocean, they think. they think at the very least, it's a high probability it won't hit europe. that's okay for them, but not so much for us. other experts say if it does strike land, it will probably be the polar regions, if not the ocean itself. the problem is really trying to get a controlled re-entry, given the physics of falling from space. >> the satellite will clearly break up and ionize.
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some of these pieces will burn up in the atmosphere, but you may still have, you know, segments of this thing that are 100 or 200 pounds apiece, and you really can't control them when it's in a chaotic free fall like that. >> that sounds pretty scary, doesn't it? on top of that, there is the speed with which all of this junk is hurdling through the atmosphere. >> typical velocities upon impact, like between 200, 300 kilometers an hour, which is a speed that you can achieve with a good-sized cam. >> i'm not sure which is too scary there. a 200 to 300-kilometer is about 220 miles an hour. so, when it hits, it will be with an impact. the satellite is set to disintegrate any time now and 7:00 p.m. eastern time. this is the gravity state
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circulation explorer. it began losing fuel and began losing altitude because of the pull of the earth's gravity. it was precisely measuring that for 4 1/2 years. david eicher, who we heard a while ago from "astronomy" magazine adds that, if you do happen to find a piece of the satellite, it is yours legally to keep, or even better, he says, just go sell it on ebay. back to you, jamie. >> i'd rather see it online than over my head. dominic, thank you so much. i really appreciate it. and that is going to do it for us. >> i'm going to the basement. i'm going to hide. >> that's what it's there for. >> i don't know where this thing's going to land. >> you want to see it, but not that close, that's for sure the case. anyway, that will wrap it up for us. i'm jamie colby. thank you so much for joining us. we want you to follow us on twitter. i'm @jamiecolbytv. >> and i'm on twitter, so tweet us. >> stay in touch. i'll see you on "happening now"
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and we'll turn it over to shannon bream from our nation's capital, where the news definitely continues here on fox. have a great day, everybody. >> take care. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one. it's not the "fumbling around with rotating categories" card. it's not the etting blindsided by limits" card. it's the no-game-playing, no-earning-limit-having, deep-bomb-throwing, give-me-the-ball-and-i'll-take- it-to-the-house, cash back card. this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... at's in your wallet? does your dog food have? so let me ask you... 18 percent?
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we have so many dead people. >> after one of the worst typhoons on record, thousands are feared dead today in the philippines, bodies line the streets, looters are raiding stores. we'll have a live update coming up. three days of talks over iran's nuclear program, no deal out of geneva, but all sides say there has been some progress as iran's president defends his right to keep his nukes. will any round of talks come to an agreement? this hour, we talk to israeli defense minister danny dinnone. he says any deal is a bad one. and obama care's rocky rollout. we'll find out what our all-star panel thinks about president obama's sort of


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